Sahel region

Sahel is the name of one of the 13 administrative regions of the West-African state Burkina Faso, into which the country is divided. The region lies in the north of Burkina Faso and covers 36166 km². The region has a moist tropical changing climate with a shorter rainy season than in the rest of the country. The vegetation is almost completely absent in half of the deserts of the extreme north. More than 300 000 children under 6 years of age live in that region.

After having trained approximately 1500 health officers all over the country in this region between 2011 and 2013, we need more money to raise awareness of the population about Noma, general hygiene, dental and oral hygiene as well as nutrition education.
The access to the health centres can be sometimes very difficult according to the poor conditions of the roads, in particular during the rainy season. The majority of the population must walk more than 5 km to reach a health center. In the District of Sebba, the walking distance can sometimes exceed 10 km for 52% of the population.
Because Noma can lead to death within 2 weeks, raising public awareness has to be a priority.

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