
The Board of Gegen Noma-Parmed

  • Jean-Jacques Santarelli
    Jean-Jacques Santarelli
    Chairman and Co-founder
  • Ulrich<br />Kraut
    Vice-president and Co-founder
  • Jochen Klinkenberg
    Jochen Klinkenberg
  • Peter<br />Melchin
    Secretary, ambassador and co-founder

Our patrons

  • Michael Mendl
    Michael Mendl
    Michael Mendl is a german actor who lives in Munich. He is one of Germany's most profound male character actors and has been successful in cinema, television and theater for decades. Audio book productions and charity projects complete his extensive work.
  • Stéphane Gompertz
    Stéphane Gompertz
    Former French ambassador in Ethiopia and former leader of the section Africa and Indian ocean at the French ministry of foreign and European affairs.

Our project-manager in Burkina Faso

Project leader in the partner country and project leader of Gegen Noma-Parmed e.V.

  • Dr. Hadissa Tapsoba
    Dr. Hadissa Tapsoba
    Chairman of the "Réseau pour la Promotion de la Santé Bucco-dentaire et la Recherche en Afrique" and representative of Gegen Noma - Parmed in Burkina Faso. Doctoral Thesis in Epidemiology, Public Health and Dental Surgery. Has worked for the International Program of Action against Noma at the WHO in Geneva, Switzerland, and has been a consultant for the Noma program in the African region of the WHO (Harare, Zimbabwe, Brazzaville, Congo).

Our experts

  • François Danel
    François Danel
    Board member of Vaincre Noma. Former manager of the international non-profit organization "Action contre la Faim" (action against hunger).
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Karin Michels
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Karin Michels
    Chairperson of the scientific advisory body of Gegen Noma-Parmed e.V., Karin Michel has academically adviced the association since 2011. She is Director of the Institute for Prevention and Cancer Epidemiology, Freiburg - Germany, as well as professor at Harvard University.